Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello Elected Board Chair for 2020-22
Mass Humanities announces the appointment of Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello as 2020-2022 Chair of its Board. Elected to the board in 2014, Duclos-Orsello is a publicly-engaged scholar, educator, leader and activist with over two decades of experience in the higher education, museum, social service, k-12 and cultural sectors in the US and Europe. “Liz is the quintessential […]
jessie little doe baird: 2020 Governor’s Award Recipient
How can a dream inspire an entire nation’s language revitalization movement? If you ask jessie little doe baird of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe that question, she will talk about a series of dreams she began having in her mid-20s while a young mother. In her dreams she saw people who seemed familiar and even looked […]